Friday, 19 May 2017

Leicester Print Workshop

Collagraph Day Course
Leicester Print Workshop
When/how often?
Saturday 20th May 10.00am - 4.00pm.
Who's teaching the course?
Michelle Keegan
Collagraph involves adding layers of adhesive or solid material to the surface of a printing plate, in addition to being created by scoring and drawing into the surface of the plate. Therefore making it possible to incorporate both intaglio and relief methods on one plate. Standard collagraph plates are normally made out of card and coated in a French polish to seal the plate after the image has been created.
    Working with a number of plates you will explore mark marking and line in
    this highly versatile process.
    Learn how to build up layers of tone and line on a mount board plate.
    Explore multi plate and multi colour printing resulting in a more complex
    approach to collagraph.
    You will also learn chine collé techniques and composition and registration
£70 / £63 concessions
Course structure
    Demo: Mark making and line cutting on mount board safely
    Production of multiple plates leading to demonstrations of inking process
    Demo: Registration
    Demo: How to set and use a press
    Discussion around ink types and paper
    Production of multiple prints
    Clean and tidy up
About the Tutor

Michelle Keegan studied Fine Art at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, graduating with first class honours. She specialised in printmaking immediately, having been intrigued by the possibilities of process, and exploring unknown ways of making marks. Michelle continued her post graduate education at the Slade School of Fine Art.She has made prints and exhibited widely for the past 20 years, she is course leader for the Foundation Degree in Fine Art Practice at Central College Nottingham and tutor for printmaking at Open College of Arts. Michelle is also a guest tutor at numerous Print Workshops.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Lady Bay Arts Festival

I’m delighted to be exhibiting at the Lady Bay Arts Festival, 20th and 21st May.